
Find Content Ideas with Facebook Groups

We’ve all been there.

You have a fresh cup of hot coffee, your favourite working playlist is playing in the background, and you’ve opened up your laptop to write that blog post you’ve been putting off for much too long now. You sit there for a couple of minutes trying to decide on the topic or on what to write and your mind goes blank. You may be thinking… “what the heck do I write about?”

Wedding Facebook Groups

If you have found yourself in this state – don’t panic! We’ve all been there.

Is there a Facebook group or forum that exists that is full of common questions from potential clients? Ottawa alone has 2-3 Facebook groups where brides like to ask each other for advice and to get recommendations and opinions about vendors. Spend some time in the groups and look at the posts that have the most engagement (likes and comments). How would you weigh in on that topic? Those groups are a way of finding relevant content ideas that your ideal bride wants to know about!

You can then take those ideas and create blog posts and social media posts. Click here if you’re looking for more ideas on how to repurpose your content.

Here’s a challenge for you: spend 10 minutes in one of these Facebook groups and find three things that you could write a social media caption or blog post about.