
Is Blogging Dead?!

We’re answering one of Google’s most popular questions from wedding vendors, is blogging dead?! TLDR; the short answer is no, it is not dead. Blogging is very much alive and is a very powerful tool that can ensure your business’ longevity in terms of getting newly engaged couples to your website.

Blogging is so great for your wedding business, but many vendors aren’t taking advantage of this comparatively easy marketing strategy. Check out four reasons why YOU should start blogging for your wedding business today.

1. Blogging and posting new content consistently on your website can help boost your SEO rankings.

This is because you’re adding the keywords you want to rank for all over your website, whether you mean to or not! If you’re a wedding planner your blog posts are probably about wedding planning, no? The more times you say “wedding planning” the more legit Google sees your site. If you mention it so many times, you probably know what you’re talking about.

2. Blogging helps to drive traffic to your website.

More posts and pages on your site means more places people can explore, and more chances of them finding you. Plus, it’s more things to share in email marketing, with potential brides and grooms, and content to turn into freebies and other marketing materials!

3. Show off!

Another great thing about blogging for your wedding business is that you get to show off your expertise! Blogging is a great way to show that you know your stuff, which increases your potential brides’ and grooms’ trust in you. Remember that you’re asking to be a part of one of the most important (and expensive) days of their lives – they want to choose people who know what they’re doing!

4. Repurpose your content.

Finally, blogging is a great way to get ideas down on paper that you can then turn into social media posts. When it comes to creating content for your blog or social media, think of how you can take one idea and turn it into multiple pieces of content. Don’t reinvent the wheel.

Bonus Tip: 400 is the magic number.

When most people sit down, latte in hand, to write their blog post they think that it needs to a short novel, when in reality it only needs to be 400 words in order to be considered a good size by Google. The search algorithm needs at least 400 words to understand what you are talking about and to search for relevant keywords so that your blog post can show up in searches. That length is also great for your potential clients to read because it’s short and to the point with just enough fluff.