
Is Instagram a Marketing Strategy?

Many wedding vendors can get caught up in the tactics when it comes to marketing and not focus on the larger goals. Sure, posting to Instagram once a day is a great move when it comes to your marketing, but “Instagram” isn’t a marketing strategy. Creating Reels, posting to Facebook, and sharing content on Pinterest are all just tactics.

We’re going to let you in on a little secret though: you don’t need to show up on every platform to have a successful business.

We always suggest to our clients that they think of the platforms and tactics as tools to help accomplish their goals. If you don’t know what your business objective/goals are for 2021, NOW is the time to start thinking about it. Goals would be big picture aspirations that affect your bottom line, like booking 15 clients by April 2021 or increasing your revenue by 40% for wedding season 2021. Tactics, like posting on Instagram, starting an email list, or advertising on Pinterest, are the tactics and tools you use to achieve your big goal.

First come your business goals & objectives and THEN come the platforms and shiny tactics. Do not get stuck in tactic-land without being able to see a clear impact on your bottom line.